On this page you find the Release Notes for the KVK Handelsregister Zoeken API.
Test the latest changes in the Swagger UI.
View the Swagger UI29 January 2024
De Zoeken API has been updated from version V1 to V2. Improvements have been made to make searching more easy and clear. Adjustments have been made to the query parameters and output domestic and foreign addresses, among other things.
28 November 2023
26 October 2022
10 August 2022
The combination of error message, IPD code and HTTP status code you received was not always correct. This has been resolved. See the documentation for possible error codes.
17 March 2022
27 January 2022
10 December 2021
From 10 December, only active branches and legal entities will be displayed as standard search results. This reduces the number of results and increases the efficiency.
To be able to display inactive branches and legal entities as search results, a new parameter has been added: ‘inclusiefinactieveregistraties’. If this parameter is used, the search result will also give an indication whether or not the branch or legal entity is active or inactive. If the branch or legal entity is inactive and was deregistered prior to 22 May 2010, there will be no link to the API KVK Handelsregister Basisprofiel and KVK Handelsregister Vestigingsprofiel.
1 November 2021
If you use unsupported query parameters in your API query, you will get an error notification.
The previous version ignored invalid query parameters. You may have used an invalid query parameter in one of the KVK APIs. The result you got would have been based on the valid parameters that were present, wrongly suggesting that all parameters had been used. This would have led to unexpected or wrong results.
After the 1 November release, an unsupported query parameter will yield the HTTP response code 400 (Bad Request), with the following error notification:
{"meldingen": {"fout": [{"code": "IPD1999","omschrijving": "De volgende opgegeven parameter(s) is (zijn) ongeldig: [lijst, van, ongeldige, queryParameters]"}]}}
Check the supported query parameters per API in the swagger (OAS) files on the Testing page, to be found via our API product pages, or in the manuals on the Support page.
1 October 2021