KVK Handelsregister Zoeken V1 API - deprecated
You can use the Zoeken API to retrieve the KVK number of a registration. You can then request additional data using one of the other APIs.
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Parameter | Type | Details |
kvkNummer | string | Dutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits. |
rsin | string | Legal Entities and Partnerships Identification Number. |
vestigingsnummer | string | Branch number. Unique number consisting of 12 digits. |
handelsnaam | string | The name under which an establishment or legal entity trades. This can be: active or inactive statutory name, trade name, or name. |
straatnaam | string | |
huisnummer | string | Only in combination with postal code. |
huisnummerToevoeging | string | Optional. Only in combination with house number. Consists of 1 to 4 characters (letters, numbers, signs: -, +, space). |
postcode | string | Only in combination with house number. |
plaats | string | |
type | string | Filter by type: main branch, branch, and/or legal entity. |
inclusiefInactieveRegistraties | boolean | Possible values are "true" or "false". Default value is "false". |
pagina | integer | Minimum 1 and maximum 100. |
aantal | integer | Choose the number of results per page. Default value is 10, maximum is 100. |
Parameter | Type | Details English |
pagina | integer | Indicates which page you are on. Starting from page 1. |
aantal | integer | Number of search results per page. |
totaal | integer | Total number of search results found. |
vorige | string | Link to the previous page when available. |
volgende | string | Link to the next page when available. |
Parameter | Type | Details |
kvkNummer | string | Dutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits. |
rsin | string | If RSIN is also input. |
vestigingsnummer | string | Branch number. Unique number consisting of 12 digits. |
handelsnaam | string | The name under which a branch or legal entity trades. This field contains the (statutory) name or the first trade name. If you searched for a name that is not the statutory or first trade name, we will show the trade name you used for your search query. |
adresType | string | Indicates whether it's a correspondence or a visiting address |
straatnaam | string | Street name |
huisnummer | integer | If postal code and house number are also input. |
huisnummerToevoeging | string | If postal code and house number are also input. |
postcode | string | If postal code and house number are also input. |
plaats | string | Place |
type | string | Main branch, branch office, and/or legal entity. |
actief | string | Indicates whether a company/establishment/legal entity is registered (Yes) or deregistered (No). |
vervallenNaam | string | Contains the expired trade name or statutory name with which this search result was found. |
links | array | No links will be shown if the deregistration occurred before 22 May 2010 and if "active" is "false". 1. Link to the first search result. 2. Link to Basisprofiel (based on KVK number). 3. Link to Vestigingsprofiel (based on branch number). |