CashFlowStatementCompleteTitle | string | Cash flow statement complete. |
CashFlowStatementCompleteTitle | string | Cash flow statement. |
CashFlowOperatingActivities | string | Total cash flow from operating activities. |
CashFlowFromOperations | string | Total of cash flow from business operations. |
ReceiptsCustomers | string | Receipts from customers. |
PaymentsSuppliers | string | Payments to suppliers. |
PaymentsEmployees | string | Payments to employees. |
OperatingResultCashFlow | string | Operating result. |
AdjustmentsReconcileOperatingResult | string | Total of adjustments for reconciliation with operating result. |
AdjustmentsDepreciationAndAmortisationExpense | string | Adjustments for depreciation. |
AdjustmentsImpairmentLossReversalImpairmentLossRecognisedInProfitLoss | string | Adjustments for (reversal of) impairments in the profit and loss account. |
IncreaseDecreaseProvisions | string | Increase (decrease) in provisions. |
LineItemsOtherIncomeStatementNoImpactReceiptsPayments | string | Other items in the profit and loss account that do not affect receipts and expenditure. |
LineItemsOtherIncomeStatementReceiptsPaymentsNotConsideredOperatingActivities | string | Other items in the profit and loss account whose receipts and expenses are not considered to be part of operating activities. |
AdjustmentsReconcileOperatingResultOther | string | Other adjustments for reconciliation with the operating result. |
ChangesWorkingCapital | string | Total of changes in working capital. |
IncreaseDecreaseInSecurities | string | Decrease (increase) of effects. |
IncreaseDecreaseInTradeAccountsReceivable | string | Decrease (increase) in trade receivables. |
IncreaseDecreaseInInventories | string | Decrease (increase) in inventories. |
IncreaseDecreaseInConstructionContracts | string | Decrease (increase) in projects in progress. |
IncreaseDecreaseInTradeAccountsPayable | string | Increase (decrease) in trade payables. |
IncreaseDecreaseInOtherReceivables | string | Decrease (increase) in other receivables. |
IncreaseDecreaseInOtherPayables | string | Increase (decrease) in other debts. |
PaymentsReclaimingValueAddedTax | string | Expenditure on account of sales tax to be reclaimed. |
PaymentsInstallmentsOperationalLeasing | string | Expenses related to payments of installments under operational leasing. |
ReceiptsRoyaltiesCommissionAndSuch | string | Receipts from royalties, commissions and the like. |
PaymentsPurchaseGoodsServices | string | Expenses for the purchase of goods and services. |
PaymentsProductionProcess | string | Expenses for the production process. |
InterestReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Interest received. |
DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Dividends received. |
IncomeTaxReceivedClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Income tax received. |
ReceiptsPaymentValueAddedTax | string | Receipts from the sales tax to be paid. |
InterestPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Interest paid. |
DividendsPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Total dividends paid. |
DividendsPaidToShareholdersClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Dividends paid to shareholders of the company. |
DividendsPaidToMinorityInterestsClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Dividends paid to minority interest holders. |
DividendsPaidOtherClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Dividends paid to other. |
IncomeTaxPaidClassifiedAsOperatingActivities | string | Profit tax paid. |
CashFlowsOperatingActivitiesOther | string | Other cash flows. |
CashFlowInvestingActivities | string | Total cash flow from investing activities. |
PurchaseGroupCompanies | string | Acquisition of group companies. |
ProceedsSalesGroupCompanies | string | Receipts from the disposal of group companies. |
PurchaseIntangibleAssets | string | Acquisition of intangible assets. |
ProceedsSalesIntangibleAssets | string | Receipts from the disposal of intangible fixed assets. |
PurchasePropertyPlantEquipment | string | Acquisition of tangible fixed assets. |
ProceedsSalesPropertyPlantAndEquipment | string | Receipts from the disposal of tangible fixed assets. |
PurchaseInvestmentProperties | string | Acquisition of investment properties. |
ProceedsSalesInvestmentProperties | string | Receipts from the disposal of investment properties. |
PurchaseNonConsolidatedEntities | string | Acquisition of non-consolidated companies. |
ProceedsSalesNonconsolidatedEntities | string | Receipts from the disposal of non-consolidated companies. |
PaymentsCapitalizedDevelopmentCosts | string | Expenses for capitalized development costs. |
PurchaseLandBuildingsMachinesConcessionsParticipations | string | Expenditure on the purchase of land, buildings, machines, concessions and participations. |
PaymentsSelfMadeTangibleAssets | string | Expenditure on self-produced tangible fixed assets. |
ProceedsSalesIntangibleAssetsNotAccountedAsNetSales | string | Receipts from the sale of fixed assets, unless these are recognized as net turnover. |
PaymentsProvisionRepaymentLongTermLoans | string | Expenditure in the context of the provision and repayment of long-term loans provided by the legal entity. |
ReceiptsProvisionRepaymentLongTermLoans | string | Receipts in the context of the provision and repayment of long-term loans granted by the legal entity. |
PaymentsInvestmentsNonShortTermHighlyLiquidSecurities | string | Expenses related to the investment in securities that are not very liquid in the short term. |
ReceiptsInvestmentsNonShortTermHighlyLiquidSecurities | string | Receipts from the investment in securities that are not very liquid in the short term. |
PurchaseOtherFinancialAssets | string | Acquisition of other financial fixed assets. |
ProceedsSalesOtherFinancialAssets | string | Receipts from the disposal of other financial fixed assets. |
InterestReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities | string | Interest received. |
DividendsReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities | string | Dividends received. |
IncomeTaxReceivedClassifiedAsInvestingActivities | string | Income tax received. |
InterestPaidClassifiedAsInvestingActivities | string | Interest paid. |
IncomeTaxPaidClassifiedAsInvestingActivities | string | Profit tax paid. |
CashFlowsInvestingActivitiesOther | string | Other cash flows. |
CashFlowFinancingActivities | string | Total cash flow from financing activities. |
IncreaseDecreasePayablesCreditInstitutions | string | Increase (decrease) in debts to banks. |
ProceedsIssueShares | string | Receipts from the issue of shares. |
PaymentsAcquireRedeemEntitysShares | string | Expenses to repurchase own shares. |
ProceedsFromBorrowings | string | Receipts from loans. |
ProceedsFromBorrowingsDebentureLoans | string | Receipts from bond loans taken out. |
ProceedsFromBorrowingsPrivateLoans | string | Receipts from private loans. |
ProceedsFromBorrowingsMortgageLoans | string | Receipts from mortgage loans. |
ProceedsFromSaleAndFinancialLeasebackTransaction | string | Receipts from a sale and financial leaseback transaction. |
ProceedsFromBorrowingsOtherLoans | string | Receipts from other short and long term loans. |
RepaymentsBorrowings | string | Expenses to repay loans. |
IncomeTaxReceivedClassifiedAsFinancingActivities | string | Income tax received. |
InterestPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities | string | Interest paid. |
DividendsPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities | string | Total dividends paid. |
DividendsPaidToShareholdersClassifiedAsFinancingActivities | string | Dividends paid to shareholders of the company. |
DividendsPaidToMinorityInterestsClassifiedAsFinancingActivities | string | Dividends paid to minority interest holders. |
DividendsPaidOtherClassifiedAsFinancingActivities | string | Dividends paid to other. |
IncomeTaxPaidClassifiedAsFinancingActivities | string | Profit tax paid. |
CashFlowsFinancingActivitiesOther | string | Other cash flows. |
IncreaseDecreaseCashAndCashEquivalents | string | Total increase (decrease) in cash. |
NetCashFlows | string | Total of net cash flow. |
ProceedsCashObtainedAcquisition | string | Receipts from cash obtained from acquisitions. |
EffectExchangeRateChangesCashAndCashEquivalents | string | Exchange rate and conversion differences on cash. |
PeriodStartTitle | string | Start of the period. |
CashAndCashEquivalentsCashFlow | string | Cash at the beginning of the period. |
PeriodEndTitle | string | End of period. |
CashAndCashEquivalentsCashFlow | string | Cash at the end of the period. |