KVK Handelsregister Naamgeving API

Use the KVK number to retrieve trade names from a registration. For example statutory name, trade names and non-commercial name.




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kvkNummerstringDutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits.


kvkNummerstringDutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits.
rsinstringLegal Entities Partnerships Information Number.
statutaireNaamstringThe name of the company when articles of association are registered.
naamstringName under societal activity. Name of a legal entity, collaborative partnership.
ookGenoemdstringOther name by which the association, foundation, or owners' association is known.
startdatumstringCompany starting date.
einddatumstringCompany end date.
vestigingenarrayList of branches. See the tables below.
linksarrayThis contains a link to the current query and a link to the related Basisprofiel query.

Commercial branch

vestigingsnummerstringBranch number. Unique number consisting of 12 digits.
eersteHandelsnaamstringThe name under which a company or branch trades.
handelsnamenarrayAll names under which a company or branch trades (in order of registration).
linksobjectLink to the branch profile (based on the branch number).

Non-commercial branch

vestigingsnummerstringBranch number. Unique number consisting of 12 digits.
naamstringThe name of the non-commercial branch.
ookGenoemdstringOther name by which the association, foundation, or owners' association is known.
linksobjectLink to the branch profile (based on the branch number).