KVK Handelsregister Basisprofiel API

Look up basic information of registrations with the KVK number. For example, social activity, details of owner/main location, and a list of locations.




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kvkNummerstring Dutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits.
geoDatabooleanGeodata is shown in output when the value is "True". Default value is "False".



kvkNummerstringDutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits.
indNonMailingstringThe Company does not wish to receive any unsolicited mail or sales advertising.
naamstringName under societal activity.
formeleRegistratiedatumstringThe date the company was registered with the KVK. 
materieleRegistratieobjectStart date and end date (when applicable) of the company.
statutaireNaamstringThe name of the company when articles of association are registered.
handelsnamenarrayAll names under which a company or branch trades (in order of registration).
sbiActiviteitenarrayCode description of SBI activities in accordance with SBI 2008 (Standard Industrial Classification). No maximum results. See also www.kvk.nl/sbi. Array of items containing sbiCode, sbiOmschrijving, indHoofdactiviteit.
linksarray1. Link to the current query
2. Link to all related branches.


Basisprofiel - hoofdvestiging

vestigingsnummerstringBranch number. Unique number consisting of 12 digits.
kvkNummerstringDutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits.
rsinstringLegal Entities Partnerships Information Number.
indNonMailingstringThe Company does not wish to receive any unsolicited mail or sales advertising.
formeleRegistratiedatumstringThe date the branch was registered with the KVK. 
materieleRegistratieobjectStarting and end date (if applicable) of the company.
eersteHandelsnaamstringThe name under which a company or branch trades.
indHoofdvestigingstringMain branch (Yes/No).
indCommercieleVestigingstringCommercial branch (Yes/No).
voltijdWerkzamePersonenintegerNumber of full-time employees.
totaalWerkzamePersonenintegerTotal number of employees.
deeltijdWerkzamePersonenintegerNumber of part-time employees.
handelsnamenarrayAll names under which a company or branch trades (in order of registration).
adressenarrayList of addresses. See Address table for structure.
websitesarrayWebsites registered under main branch.
sbiActiviteitenarrayCode description of SBI activities in accordance with SBI 2008 (Standard Industrial Classification). No maximum results. See also www.kvk.nl/sbi. Array of items containing sbiCode, sbiOmschrijving, indHoofdactiviteit.
linksarray1. Link to the current query.
2. Link to all branches (based on KVK number).
3. Link to basisprofiel (based on KVK number).
4. Link to vestigingsprofiel (based on branch number).


Basisprofiel - eigenaar

rsinstringLegal Entities Partnerships Information Number.
rechtsvormstringLegal form of the organisation/company. See Possible output of legal forms.
uitgebreideRechtsvormstringLegal form supplemented with information about structure or legal capacity. See Possible output of legal forms.
adressenarrayAre there branches? Then "Addressen" will be displayed at the main branch. Are there no branches? Then "Addressen" will be shown under "Eigenaar". See Address table for structure.
websitesarrayIf there is no main branch, the websites will be shown here.
linksarray1. Link to the current query.
2. Link to Basisprofiel (based on KVK-number).


Basisprofiel - vestigingen

kvkNummerstringDutch KVK number. Consists of 8 digits.
vestigingenarrayThe relevant branches. See branch table for structure.
linksarray1. Link to the current query.
2. Link to Basisprofiel (based on KVK number).



The data structure of a branch from a basisprofiel vestigingen query.

vestigingsnummerstringBranch number. Unique number consisting of 12 digits.
eersteHandelsnaamstringThe name under which a company or establishment trades.
indHoofdvestigingstringMain branch (Yes/No).
indCommercieleVestigingstringCommercial branch (Yes/No).
volledigAdresstringStreet, house number, postal code and city.
linksarray1. Link to the current query.
2. Link to Basisprofiel (based on KVK number).


The data structure of an address from a Basisprofiel hoofdvestiging or Eigenaar query.

typestringCorrespondence and/ or visiting address.
IndAfgeschermdstringAddress shielded (Yes/No).
volledigAdresstringfull address
straatnaamstringStreet name.
huisnummerstringHouse number.
huisnummerToevoegingstringHouse number addition. For example: 1 or A.
huisletterstringHouse letter addition. For example: M.
toevoegingAdresstringFree text to describe an address in detail. For example, when one is located in a multi-company building and there are several floors and/or rooms.
postcodestringPostal code.
postbusnummerintegerMailbox number.
straatHuisnummerstringStreet name and house number.
postcodeWoonplaatsstringPostal code and Town.
geoDataobjectBAG ID, GPS coordinates, and national triangulation coordinates.