Test environment
Test our APIs for free! You don't need to implement or register anything. You can easily run different test scenarios with a small set of fictitious data.
How it works
Use the following URLs in your software to use our test environment:
- KVK Handelsregister Zoeken API: https://api.kvk.nl/test/api/v2/zoeken
- KVK Handelsregister Basisprofiel API: https://api.kvk.nl/test/api/v1/basisprofielen
- KVK Handelsregister Vestigingsprofiel API: https://api.kvk.nl/test/api/v1/vestigingsprofielen
- KVK Handelsregister Naamgeving API: https://api.kvk.nl/test/api/v1/naamgevingen/kvknummer
Use API key: l7xx1f2691f2520d487b902f4e0b57a0b197 to authenticate. The key must be included in the apikey header field.
curl https://api.kvk.nl/test/api/v2/zoeken?naam=test -H "apikey: l7xx1f2691f2520d487b902f4e0b57a0b197"
KVK numbers (and corresponding legal form) available for testing:
KVK Number | Legal Form |
69599084 | Eenmanszaak |
90004973 | Foutmelding |
68727720 | NV |
90004760 | NV |
68750110 | BV |
90001354 | BV |
69599068 | Stichting |
90000102 | Stichting |
90006623 | Stichting |
69599076 | VoF |
KVK Number | Legal Form |
90005414 | VoF |
55344526 | Coöperatie |
90002520 | Kerkgenootschap |
90002490 | Onderlinge Waarborg Maatschappij |
90002903 | Error message |
90000749 | Vereniging van Eigenaars |
90001745 | Maatschap |
90003942 | Commanditaire Vennootschap |
55505201 | Overige Privaatrechtelijke Rechtspersoon |
Test data for Vestigingsprofiel
Vestigingsnummer | Legal form |
38509504 | Eenmanszaak |
38509520 | Eenmanszaak |
37178598 | BV |
37178601 | BV |
990000541921 | BV |
37143557 | NV |
990064773193 | Stichting (geoData) |
990064773207 | Stichting (geoData) |
38509474 | VoF |
38509490 | VoF |
Vestigingsnummer | Legal form |
990000216645 | VoF |
990000821206 | VoF |
37178605 | Cooperatie |
990000246858 | Onderlinge Waarborg Maatschappij |
990000637800 | Maatschap |
990000008288 | Commanditaire Vennootschap |
990000246530 | Commanditaire Vennootschap |
990000768218 | Commanditaire Vennootschap |
990000852070 | Commanditaire Vennootschap |
Zoeken API
Create your own search query by adding search terms in the parameter fields and check which responses you get from our APIs.
Example calls
https://api.kvk.nl/test/api/v2/zoeken?type=nevenvestiging&resultatenPerPagina =4&pagina=2
Basisprofiel API
With the Basisprofiel API it is possible to retrieve company profiles based on a KVK number. This basisprofiel REST resource contains 3 sub-resources (if applicable) that can be called separately.
These sub-resources are:
Eigenaar (owner)
This sub-resource retrieves fields that are part of the company's owner. An owner can be a natural or non-natural person. This can be called as follows:
Hoofdvestiging (main branch)
This retrieves only the abbreviated data of a head office:
Vestigingen (branches)
This gives a list of branches that fall under this company. This can be called as follows:
The eigenaar and hoofdvestiging sub-resources are included as embedded resources in the main resource basisprofielen.
Example calls
Vestigingsprofiel API
With the Vestigingsprofiel API, a profile for a location can be retrieved based on a location number.
Example call
Naamgeving API
With this API you request name data of companies from the KVK Business Register based on KVK number.
Example call