Migration Guide Zoeken V1 to V2

The Zoeken API has been upgraded. Below you can read what has changed compared to version V1.

Swagger Zoeken V2


The new endpoint is:

Domestic and foreign addresses

Zoeken V2 distinguishes between domestic and foreign addresses.

You can recognize a foreign address by these attributes:

  • straatHuisnummer (streetHousenumber)
  • postcodeWoonplaats (zipcode city)
  • land (country)

Domestic address - V1

"adresType": "string",
"straatnaam": "string",
"huisnummer": 0,
"huisnummerToevoeging": "string",
"postcode": "string",
"plaats": "string",

Domestic address - V2

"adres": {
	"binnenlandsAdres": {
		"type": "bezoekadres/postadres",
		"straatnaam": "string",
		"huisnummer": 0,
		"huisletter": "string",
		"postbusnummer": 0,
		"postcode": "string",
		"plaats": "string",

Foreign address - V1

"adresType": "string",
"straatnaam": "string",
"plaats": "string",

Foreign address - V2

"adres": {
	"buitenlandsAdres": {
		"type": "bezoekadres/postadres",
		"straatHuisnummer": "string",
		"postcodeWoonplaats": "string",
		"land": "string",

The result contains a “_links” object in V2. The property "self" therein contains the URL of the call made.

  "pagina": 1,
  "resultatenPerPagina": 10,
  "totaal": 10,
  "resultaten": [...],
  "_links": {
  	"self": {
  		"href": "https://api.kvk.nl/test/api/v2/zoeken"

Differences output

V1 (old)V2 (new)Description
aantalresultatenPerPaginaThe attribute 'aantal' (number of) has been clarified and adjusted to 'resultatenPerPagina' (results per page).

The attribute 'handelsnaam' (trade name) has been changed to 'naam' (name) to make it clear that not only the trade name is shown.

 The name can be a 'statutory name', 'trade name' or 'name' (non-commercial).

<seperate address data>adresAddress data are no longer displayed separately, but in an object 'address' in which a ‘binnenlandsAdres’(domestic address) or 'buitenlandsAdres' (foreign address) is displayed. See above under domestic and foreign addresses.

Differences input

V1 (old)V2 (new)Description
aantalresultatenPerPaginaThe attribute 'aantal' (number of) has been clarified and adjusted to 'resultatenPerPagina' (results per page).

The attribute 'handelsnaam' (trade name) has been changed to 'naam' (name) to make it clear that not only the trade name is shown. 

The name can be a 'statutory name', 'trade name' or 'name' (non-commercial).

huisnummerhuisnummerIt is no longer possible to look up a PO box number using the 'huisnummer' (house number) parameter. Use the new parameter 'postbusnummer' (PO box number ) for this. 
<n/a>postbusnummerIt is no longer possible to look up a PO box number using the 'huisnummer' (house number) parameter. Use the new parameter 'postbusnummer' (PO box number ) for this. 
huisnummerToevoeginghuisletterThe parameter 'huisnummerToevoeging' (house number addition) has been clarified and adjusted to 'huisletter' (house letter).

The 'type' parameter has remained the same, but the method of calling has changed. Previously you used a comma to separate, in V2 you use '&'.

Example V1: type=nevenvestiging,hoofdvestiging,rechtspersoon   
Example V2: type=nevenvestiging&type=hoofdvestiging&type=rechtspersoon