Frequently asked questions
With the API Handelsregister Zoeken you can search for a company by, for example, entering the trade name or place. Looking for more information? Each search result has a hypermedia link to the API Basisprofiel and/or Vestigingsprofiel, also known within REST as HATEAOS. Basisprofiel can only be requested with a KVK number and Vestigingsprofiel only with a location number. Check out our factsheets:
This can be done in two ways (both free of charge):
- Via our SwaggerUI with associated test data.
- Via your own software with our test API key: l7xx1f2691f2520d487b902f4e0b57a0b197. For more information, check out the testing documentation (Dutch only).
In the documentation you will find possible input and output fields per API.
No, this is not possible.
No, this is not possible.
No, this is not possible.
You use the API Basisprofiel to find all active trade names of the main location. To find out the trade names of all branches, use the API Vestigingsprofiel for each branch.
No. The APIs do not provide an overview of the mutations (historical data). Order the product History via the website of the Chamber of Commerce.
No, this is not possible.
Yes, the limit is 300,000 queries per month at a rate of up to 100 per second.
KVK Handelsregister Zoeken:
KVK Handelsregister Basisprofiel:
KVK Handelsregister Vestigingsprofiel:
KVK Handelsregister Naamgeving:
TLS (in the past also called SSL) secures the connection between two computers. To get such a secure connection, you need a certificate, a TLS certificate. A certificate contains information about the certificate holder, the domain, the name of the authority that issued the certificate, the country in which the certificate was issued, and the period of validity. This ensures that your system communicates with the KVK.
Yes, provided the terms of the agreement and terms of use are observed. To sign an agreement, you must be registered in the trade register and be authorized to sign. This excludes private use.
Yes, that's possible.
Within a few working days after you have registered and signed and returned the agreement.
An update is announced at least 48 hours in advance through email from the KVK Servicedesk. It is difficult to indicate how often updates take place. New releases depend on the continued development of the KVK API. If you’re not getting these updates, but would like to, send us a request via our contact form.
On the status page you will find the current status of KVK products and services. We also send messages when there is a malfunction, adjustment or maintenance work. Sign up for updates.
The average response time is around 500 ms.
Is your question not listed?
Contact us. You will receive a response from us within 5 working days.
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