Frequently asked questions
Billing and subscription
Yes, the limit is 300,000 queries per month at a rate of up to 100 per second.
You pay a monthly fee of € 6,20 per API key for the connection. When you use an API you pay € 0,02 per query (KVK Handelsregister Zoeken is free).
Want to know more about rates? Then check the product pages on the Developer Portal.
Yes it is. As long as the API key is used within the same organisation.
With the WW code you can only log in to On the Developer Portal you log in with your chosen username and password.
- Request a new API key: go to the Developer Portal, fill in all details and request an API key/connection. With one connection you can use all APIs (Zoeken, Basisprofiel, Vestigingsprofiel en Naamgeving).
- Request extra API key: login to My Developer Portal and request an extra API key.
With an extra API key, you can easily distinguish between administration, usage and billing.
An extra API key connection costs € 6,20 per month. When you use an API you pay € 0,02 per query (KVK Handelsregister Zoeken is free).
Want to know more about rates? Then check the product pages on the Developer Portal.
You can cancel an API subscription in writing. Send a letter to your Chamber of Commerce regional office or an email to: Keep in mind that a letter will take longer to arrive and that this can result in an (extra) month transition and subscription costs.
The agreement continues until the last day of the following calendar month and ends thereafter. For example: if you cancel on November 2, the agreement will continue until December 31.
At the moment it is not possible to transfer an API subscription to another Chamber of Commerce number. You can cancel the old connection and then request a new one.
Please contact the Internal Sales department. Send an email to: or call: 088 585 34 34.
Please contact the Internal Sales department. Send an email to: or call: 088 585 34 34.
Yes, that's right.
View the sample invoice (Dutch only).
The payment method you choose for the KVK API is also used for other KVK payment processes. Your payment details are not shared with third parties.
KVK APIs are exempt from VAT. You will receive an invoice without VAT.
Via invoice or direct debit. Invoices are sent by post. Would you like to receive this digitally? Read more about digital invoices on our website.
A sample agreement, the service guarantee, and terms of use can be found at the terms of use.
People who are authorised to sign are allowed to perform certain tasks on behalf of a company, such as signing contracts, making purchases, or dispatching deliveries.
A person can have full or limited authority to sign.
Below you can find who is authorised to sign per business.
- Eenmanszaak
Sole trader or sole proprietorship - Coöperatie
Cooperative - Maatschap
Professional partnership - Stichting
Foundation - Vereniging
Association - Besloten vennootschap (bv)
Private limited company (bv) in the Netherlands - Commanditaire vennootschap (cv)
Limited partnership - Naamloze vennootschap (nv)
Public limited company - Vennootschap onder firma (vof)
General partnership
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