Zoeken API

Yes. These are all search options in the API KVK Handelsregister Zoeken:

  • Chamber of Commerce number
  • RSIN
  • Location number
  • Name
  • Street and place
  • Postal code and house number (new)

Postal code and house number are not shown by default in the search result, unless they are searched for.

The Zoeken API only allows you to look up companies. You get the information with the other two APIs. The API KVK Handelsregister Basisprofiel works with the Chamber of Commerce number found. The API KVK Handelsregister Vestigingsprofiel works with the location number found.

API Zoeken currently does not work like a Google search engine. Relevant search results are only displayed for specific searches, complete and without spelling errors.

Yes. You can view a maximum of 1000 search results.

No, this is not possible.

No, that is not possible at the moment.

Deregistered locations are filtered out of the results by default. Do you want to view this anyway? Then add “includelnactiveRegistrations” to the query.

Yes, the maximum length for the street name is 256 characters.

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